According to paragraph 2 of section II “Final and transitional provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges” and some laws of Ukraine on the activities of judicial authorities” the powers of the Commission members have been terminated from the date of entry into force of this Law (07.11.2019). As of today, a new composition has not been formed yet.
At the same time, the Secretariat of the Commission within its powers during 2020 carried out:
1) maintaining records of data on 7,790 judicial positions;
2) formation of 441 judicial dossiers;
3) maintenance of 5,752 judicial dossiers, including:
- scanning for the purposes of publishing 4,733 dossiers on 2,280,004 pages;
- retouching (depersonalization of information that is not open to the public) to publish 4,654 dossiers on 2,241,892 pages;
- publication on the official website of the Commission of 4,576 updated judicial dossiers on 2,204,417 pages;
4) publication of 2,208 materials of judicial candidates on 320,160 pages (approximately);
5) maintaining 779 dossiers and personal files of judicial candidates.
The document flow of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine in 2020 amounted to 18,459 documents.
The number of processed information requests in the manner prescribed by the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” is 288.
In 2020, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine was the party or the participant of 308 cases in the courts of various instances. In the framework of mentioned cases, the Secretariat of the Commission has sent letters to comply with the requirements of judges on providing evidence and information as well as ensured participation of its employees in the court hearings as free listeners.
In addition, in 2020, the Secretariat of the Commission participated in international cooperation, in particular, in cooperation with the following organizations:
- Canadian-Ukrainian Project “Support to Judicial Reform”;
- The Queen Mary University of London on the implementation of a technical assistance project in the establishment and functioning of the High Court on Intellectual Property in Ukraine;
- USAID Justice Sector Reform “New Justice” Program;
- Council of Europe Project “Support to the Implementation of Judicial Reform in Ukraine”;
- European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe (CEPEJ).
The number of the events in the framework of international cooperation is 16.