By the decision № 359/zp-24 of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, dated December 02, 2024, the draft amendments to the Regulation on access to the judicial dossier (candidate dossier) by members of the Public Integrity Council were approved (in the version adopted by the Commission’s Decision № 137/zp-24 of May 22, 2024). The revised version of the Procedure was submitted for consultation and recommendations to the High Council of Justice and the Council of Judges of Ukraine.
Following consultations with the High Council of Justice and the Council of Judges of Ukraine, by decision № 5/zp-25 of January 13, 2025, the Commission approved amendments to the Regulation on access to the judicial dossier (candidate dossier) by members of the Public Integrity Council and adopted its revised version (Regulation on ensuring full access to the materials of the judicial dossier (dossier of a candidate for the position of judge) for members of the Public Integrity Council, Public Council of International Experts and other subsidiary bodies of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine).
This Regulation regulates the process of ensuring full access to judicial dossiers and candidate dossiers in paper and electronic forms for members of the Public Integrity Council, established under Article 87 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges”, members of the Public Council of International Experts, established under Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On the High Anti-Corruption Court”, other subsidiary bodies of the Commission, established in accordance with the law. Access to these materials is provided for the purposes of the judicial qualification evaluation in compliance with the Laws of Ukraine “On Information” and “On Personal Data Protection”.
Members of the Public Integrity Council, Public Council of International Experts, and other subsidiary bodies of the Commission with full access to judicial dossiers must provide a written commitment of non-disclosure of personal data or restricted information obtained from judicial dossiers, except for cases directly related to their official duties. Their commitment must include a pledge to destroy or delete any obtained data, copies of documents, and electronic records (including cloud storage materials) not later than 15 working days after the completion of the judicial qualification evaluation process (i.e., after the Commission renders a final decision on the judge or candidate). Members of the Public Integrity Council, the Public Council of International Experts and other subsidiary bodies of the Commission who have the right of full access to the materials of the judicial dossier (dossier of a candidate for the position of judge), upon completion of the qualification evaluation procedure for a judge (candidate for the position of judge), shall destroy (delete) information and copies of documents obtained in the course of exercising the right of full access to the judicial dossier (dossier of a candidate for the position of judge) in a manner that excludes the possibility of their further renewal. The fact of destruction (deletion) of information and copies of documents shall be certified by a relevant act sent to the Commission not later than 15 working days from the date of completion of the qualification evaluation.
The Regulation is available at this link: