We would like to inform that in accordance with the order of the Head of the Commission’s Secretariat dated April 30, 2021 № 10 starting from May 11, 2021 the competition for public service positions of category “B” in the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine was resumed.
Testing of candidates for vacant positions of the civil service of category “B” in the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine will take place in the premises of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine at the address: 9, General Shapoval Str., Kyiv, according to the schedule.
We draw the candidates' attention to the need of having a passport of a citizen of Ukraine or another identity document.
Candidates wishing to use the previous testing results (valid for one year from the date of testing during the candidate's participation in other competitions) shall have a login and password used previously to give the administrator access to the results of the last test.
The date and time of the next stages of the competition will be announced separately.
We remind the competitors of the need to follow the mask regime and distancing rules, as well as having gloves.