In accordance with the Order of the Chairman of the Commission No. 3 dated July 11, 2023, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine has initiated a procedure to assess the risks of corruption in its activities. In this connection, the Commission intends to establish a working group on the assessment of corruption risks in the activities of the Commission and proposes to include representatives of external stakeholders.
Persons with knowledge of the environment of the Organization and/or experience in the activities of the Organization and/or in the field of preventing and/or combating corruption shall be invited to the composition of the working group, namely:
- Representatives of civil society institutions exercising public oversight over the activities of the Commission;
- Experts with specific knowledge in the field of the Commission’s activities and/or in the field of preventing and/or combating corruption;
- Representatives of legal entities that interact with the Commission.
Information about a candidate for inclusion in the working group (full name, position, name of the organization, code USREOU of the organization) and documents confirming the compliance of these candidates with the requirements outlined in point 8 Section 2 “Methodology of managing corruption risks”, approved by the Order of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention dated December 28, 2021 No. 830/21, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dated February 17, 2022 No. 219/37555, shall be sent to the Commission not later than July 21, 2023, at the e-mail address: inbox@vkksu.gov.ua