On December 1, 2021, with the support of the USAID Justice for All Program, a regular online meeting of representatives of international assistance projects working in the field of strengthening the Rule of Law took place.
The President of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation Luiza Romanadze, who was involved in drafting the Law of Ukraine “On Mediation” (hereinafter the Law), adopted by the Parliament of Ukraine on November 16, 2021, addressed the participants of the event. In her presentation, the expert made a detailed overview of the Law and stressed the important components of sustainable development of the mediation institution in Ukraine, namely: a clear plan and systematic approach to implementing the Law adopted in October, coordination and cooperation of all stakeholders and mediators. One of the key achievements of the new Law is the creation of procedural opportunities for mediation at any stage of the trial and its wide scope. The practical application and regulation of mediation is a very important step for the Ukrainian legal system, as it improves national legislation in the part of the out-of-court dispute resolution process. The introduction of the institution of mediation is expected to reduce the workload of the judiciary, save economic and time resources, and improve access to justice in general.
Khatuna Murgulia, Director of the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) in Ukraine also reported on ABA ROLI activities in Ukraine, the largest non-governmental organization of lawyers and law students in the United States and around the world.
Traditionally, representatives of international technical assistance projects and international organizations working in the field of justice, as well as public authorities joined the discussion.
The Secretariat of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine was represented by Deputy Head of the Secretariat Oleksandr Bystrushkin and Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Division Iuliia Tkachenko.
The USAID Justice for All Program has been launched in Ukraine on October 1, 2021, and is implemented to promote the idea of justice for all by strengthening the justice system, justice services and community involvement to ensure an adequate response to the legal problems and needs of Ukrainian people in Judiciary.
The USAID Justice for All Program will be built on the achievements of the USAID New Justice Program and will use its achievements to coordinate close cooperation with domestic partners, USAID and US government projects, and other projects of international donor organizations in Ukraine.