The EU Project “Support to Justice Sector Reforms and Digitalization in Ukraine (Pravo-Justice II)”

The European Union Project “Support to Justice Sector Reforms and Digitalization in Ukraine (Pravo-Justice II)” is financed by the European Union and implemented by the French international technical cooperation agency “Expertise France”.

The general term of implementation: June 1, 2021 – December 31, 2023 (expected date of the Project completion).

The purpose of the Project: to develop strategic planning, improve and provide sustainability of the justice sector in Ukraine, as well as coordinate, monitor and evaluate the activities of its institutions.

On September 7, 2023, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine and the European Union “Pravo-Justice” Project signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine and the EU “Pravo-Justice” Project agreed on the efforts consolidation aimed at ensuring fair, high-quality and transparent procedures for selecting candidates for the judicial position, conducting special training of candidates for the judicial position and qualification evaluation of judges.

Tasks and areas of cooperation between the Commission and the Project:

  • Drafting and improving regulatory acts that govern the procedures for selecting judicial candidates; qualification evaluation of judges; forming and maintaining judicial dossiers (dossiers of judicial candidates); special training of judicial candidates;
  • Drafting and improving regulatory acts determining the procedure and methodology of evaluation and self-evaluation of judges;
  • Ensuring the conditions required for starting the operations of the Public Integrity Council;
  • Carrying out joint activities that meet the objectives of the Memorandum;
  • Exchanging information on best international practices and developing international cooperation of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine.

The EU “Pravo-Justice” Project contributes to the development of the Rule of Law in Ukraine in accordance with European standards and best comparative practical experience.

The Project’s activities are determined by its components:

  1. “Justice Sector Policy and Coordination”. Experts of the Component 1 of the EU “Pravo-Justice” Project contribute to spreading European practices and standards in the Ukrainian justice system; they also support Ukrainian justice sector institutions on the path towards Ukraine’s integration into the European Union and facilitate investigation of war crimes.
  2. “Judiciary and judicial reform”. Experts of the Component 2 of the Project work on various aspects of judiciary reform, provide expert support to judicial authorities, and also contribute to institutional capacity building of judiciary governance and administration bodies. Component 2 team is also involved in judges’ professional development, improving the operations of Ukrainian judiciary and ensuring its resilience in wartime, as well as creating the necessary conditions for national courts to properly consider war crimes cases.
  3. “Protection of Property Rights and Enforcement of Court Decisions”. The Component 3 is focused on protecting citizens’ right to a fair trial by building an effective system of enforcing court decisions, ensuring the protection of property rights by improving procedures for the enforcement of court decisions, improving insolvency and bankruptcy procedures, and creating a reliable system of property rights registration, as well as reforming the systems of carrying out sentences and forensic expert activity.
  4. “E-justice. Digital Solutions for Ukrainian Justice Sector”. The EU “Pravo-Justice” Project supports digitalization of the justice system of Ukraine through implementation of modern IT-technologies. Component 4 experts are mainly involved in supporting Ukrainian authorities in drawing up digital solutions and implementing their particular elements.